Monday, August 22, 2011

**fireplace restoration**etc**

.....first 4 images are an 8 inch revolving cube.....  
.....produced in August 2011.....  
....CLICK any picture for a larger view....
.....below are some images from the fireplace restoration..... 
.....Chapman Center at Trinity University.....

.....Originally, Lynn Ford produced the fireplace....1965......... 
..the years and the elements took a heavy toll on the original beaten lead
..In july 2010, Trinity University commissioned me to restore.
..completed and installed early jan 2011. first image below.

....CLICK any picture for a larger view....
..images below are detail shots of the hammered lead panels.
..yessir, lead is my favorite precious metal.
..the two images directly above and below are about 30 square inches.
..fireplace front, 25 different patterns, is approx 6400 square inches.

....CLICK any picture for a larger view.... 





  1. Wow, this is so impressive.
    Why does no one know about this beauty.

  2. ...thank you sir.

    ......appreciate the compliment.

